Newsletter - May 2014 Issue

What is a root canal?

Nerves enter at the tip of the tooth's root and run through the center of the tooth in small, thin root canals, which join up in the pulp chamber. Each tooth has at least one root canal but may contain more.

Why might I need root canal therapy?

Injury or trauma to a tooth may cause the pulp to become inflamed or infected; eventually, the pulp may die. Damaged or dead pulp leads to increased blood flow and cellular activity, creating pressure inside the tooth that cannot be relieved. This may result in pain when biting down or chewing with the affected tooth, or when consuming hot or cold drinks. Without treatment, the infection may spread, the bone around the tooth may degenerate, and the tooth may fall out.

Are there any alternatives to root canal therapy?

The only alternative to root canal therapy is extraction of the infected tooth. This can eventually cause the surrounding teeth to move, which may result in a bad bite that ultimately requires an implant or bridge. It's always best to keep your tooth if possible, and root canal therapy allows you to do so.

For more information or to book your appointment, please email us at or call us at 817-466-9972.

Have a great day!

Dr. Nancy Bui